How to spell manuel
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Possible correct spellings for manuel · mantel The photographs on the mantel-shelf attracted him presently. · manual · Manley · Manuel · Manuela · Emanuel As nouns the difference between manuel and manual. is that manuel is manual, handbook while manual is a handbook. As adjectives the difference between manuelHow Do You Spell MANUEL? Correct spelling for the English word "Manuel" is [manw??l], [manw??l], [m_a_n_w_??_l] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Different ways to spell Manuel. List of all ways to spell name Manuel in other languages. This list contains alternative ways to spell names. So you like the name,Manuel, but you want a different spelling? Try the alternate baby name speller. Correct spelling for Manuel is [manw??l], [manw??l], [m_a_n_w_??_l] Fast-forward to today and, along with Katie Ledecky, 24-year-old Manuel is among the most decorated American swimmers, and she is expected to win several
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